What is a Supply Number?

The Supply Number can be a:
•   breeder identification number,
•   breeder exemption number,
•   accreditation number (from an approved entity), or
•   unique number that identifies a person as a recognised interstate breeder.

Who needs a Supply Number?

Under the Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008, every Breeder having a female dog with a litter born on or after 26 May 2017 must have a Supply Number within 28 days of the birth of the litter.  You must not give away, supply, sell or advertise a dog or puppies without a Supply Number that identifies the Breeder or provides an Exemption.
If the puppies are bred by a primary producer to be kept by any primary producer as working dogs, then a Supply Number is not required.
A Supply Number must be quoted for any dog born after 26 May 2017 that is to be given away, supplied, sold or advertised.

Applying for a Supply Number

To access a Supply Number you will need to create an account online and either:
• register as a Breeder, or
• apply for a Breeder Exemption Number (BEN), if you qualify.

The registration period is for 12 months from the date of registration. If you intend to continue breeding dogs, you will need to renew your registration annually.

Renewing your Supply Number

If you intend to continue breeding, you must renew your Supply Number.

Approximately 21 days prior to your registration expiring you will receive a renewal notice, either electronically or in writing.

To renew your registration electronically log into your account on the Queensland Dog Breeder Register and follow the prompts to renew your registration.

Once you have successfully renewed your Supply Number, you will receive a renewal confirmation notice.

If you do not plan on continuing to breed, you do not need to renew your registration. Dog breeder registrations that are not renewed prior to the expiry date will be retained on the Queensland Dog Breeder Register, but will be displayed as expired.

Expired registrations can be reactivated at any time.

Who does not need a Supply Number?

Primary producers that breed dogs to be kept by a primary producer on rural land as working dogs do not need a Supply Number.
If a primary producer supplies any dog to any person who is not a primary producer or the dog is not going to be kept as a working dog, they need to apply for a Breeder Exemption Number.

Breeder Identification Number (BIN)

If you have a female dog with a litter and do not already have a Supply Number from an approved entity, you need to apply for a Breeder Identification Number (BIN).

You need to apply for a BIN, even if:
• You only want to breed one litter.
• You don't sell the dogs but breed them for family and friends.
• Your dog has an unplanned litter.

Pounds and shelters, including dog rescue groups, that rehome dogs born on or after 26 May 2017 also need to apply for a BIN.

To apply online, you need to:
 create an account, and
• sign in to your account and submit an application.

Breeder Exemption Number (BEN)

A Breeder Exemption Number (BEN) may be issued as a Supply Number for a particular dog in specific circumstances and must be used when you give away, sell, advertise or supply that dog.

You will be able to apply for a BEN if:
•  you are a primary producer that has a working dog that you did not breed and wish to give away, supply, advertise or sell the dog:
      - to a person who is not a primary producer, or
      - the dog is not going to be kept as a working dog.
• you are a person who:
      - is the owner of, or responsible person for, the dog; and
      - you did not breed the dog; and
      - you do not conduct a business activity that includes the supply of dogs.

To apply online, you need to:
• create an account, and
 sign in to your account and submit an application.

What happens if I don’t use a Supply Number?

There are penalties under the Act if you give away, supply, sell or advertise a dog without a Supply Number  or you have not registered as a Breeder.
If you are breeding dogs and supplying them for sale in any way, including through pet shops, they must also display your Supply Number as the Breeder of the dog being supplied, sold or advertised. 

The department promotes the responsible breeding, sale and supply of dogs in Queensland. 

The department encourages people in the community to only buy or receive dogs that have a Supply Number.

How much does it cost?

There is no fee to register as a Breeder.